Sexy Heels - Why Do Women Love Shoes?
Why do girls like shoes so much? Simply because Shoes are hot.The hottest ones a girl can buy

The truth is women are in love with shoes.
Here's why:
Variety - women simply cannot wear the same shoe every day. They need change and shoes need to match what they are wearing and they need to match their activities and lifestyle.

A Good Deal -Women are born to shop for shoes. It is a true skill and art. No true Women can turn down a good deal on a pair of sexy heels shoes. It is almost impossible for a true girl to resist a half price pair of high heels.
Comfort - The sexy heels vs the flats. Sexy heels look hot but a problem is that ten years down the line they will have no toes left so most women alternate between sexy heels shoes and flats. Therefore more shoes in the closet!
Durability - Well made women's shoes can last a lifetime. This is especially true if you do not wear them every day. As a result of this all the shoes build up the closet till it explodes.
Trendy - Unlike that hot pink leather skirt the girls partied in back in the day, the sexy heels shoes that they may have worn with it are still in fashion. In fact, Flashdance plastic jelly shoes have made a huge comeback. Therefore more shoes to buy.
Stability - Women grow but their shoe size doesn't.
Options - "Should I wear my 5 inch Marc Jacobs sexy heels shoes today, or my 2 inch Gucci loafers?" It's a woman's fundamental right to be able to make a choice on her own shoes. In order to help them make those difficult choices women need many different shoes to choose from.
Collections - men collect Playboy magazines. Women collect shoes.
Friendship - they say a dog is a mans best friend - well shoes are a woman's best friend. Shoes will always be there for women and the more friends she can get the better.
Thats it from sexy heels shoes Ladies if you are interested check out a good site I know, just cick the link then an ad. I have to say Bewarned I know people that can't stop using it!
By Connor McBroom
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