Most men naively associate men's thongs with being gay, how backward thinking is this, and women usually scream 'Aghhhh, no'. However, women need to remember that there are also a lot of women who equally don't look too hot in a thong either and let's face it, thongs only look good if you have the body to carry them off, is irrespective of whether you are male or female.
Whatever your views are about male thong underwear and men in g-strings, there has to be some reason why they have become so popular. Gone are the days when it was a case of the novelty thong, we are talking about top leading designer brands cottoning on to the fact that men wear this type of underwear and are manufacturing them to meet demand.
Many online retailers are reporting that since introducing men's thongs to their range of underwear styles, they have seen a tremendous demand for them and surprised with just how popular they are. Retailers of female lingerie recently reported that 'the bottom has fallen out of the market for women's thongs', but this is not the case for male thongs.
So why are men's thongs so popular? Well, many customers seem to love them so much because of the incredible support, functionality and practical qualities they have. This concurs with the fact that there is probably a greater argument for the fact that thongs are more suited to men than they are to women.
Men's thongs are believed to have been around for thousands of years and are documented as being over 5000 years old. Undoubtedly, our ancestors first wore thongs when vanity was not such any issue, men weren't shouted out as being gay for running around in one whilst trying to kill a lion with their spear and women couldn't have given a dam, so long as the bloke brought back some food. They most likely wore them because they did what they were supposed to do, cover, support and protect.
This basic need for men to have a practical and supportive is just the same today, it's just that vanity, socialisation and cultures get in the way of us sometimes choosing what is right.
Women place just as much importance on their breast being adequately supported and are repeatedly told how important it is to be measured for a well fitting and supportive bra. Well, it is just as important to have a well fitting and supportive pair of pants, and men's thongs do just that, without there needing to be more to them than necessary.
If only some 'A' list celebrity would promote them, then I am sure it would be the OK item to be seen in.
The author of this article is James Keightley, fashion editor of mens underwear and retailer at Giggleberries - Men's Underwear.
By James Keightley
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/