With so many different kinds of people in the world, many different styles of clothing are made. Tee shirts are the most commonly worn type of clothing; therefore they must be the most diverse, not in the way they are made, but the style, in order to cater for everyone's different needs. Different types of tee shirts are always available to buy, with many different designs on the front made by many different companies ranging from your local high street to exclusive brands.

When comparing these two types of tee shirts (RNB and Indie rock) it is clear to see there are different styles for different people. RnB followers are more likely to wear bright, baggy expensive looking clothes. The idea of these people is that they are to be better than everyone else, as stated in many rapping songs, that the rappers are the richest most powerful people. With this influence fans want to simulate this style in their own lives. Whereas on the other hand, indie rocker tee shirts are often varied from plain to wild colours and shapes pictured all over their tee shirts.
From this one case study when comparing these two different styles it is clear to see a number of similarities and differences. The similarities between these two types of people's tee shirts are that they are all expensive brands. This is because the celebrities who wear these clothes are often rich, therefore can afford expensive clothes. It is in human nature to say that buy having expensive things you are rich; better then the people who are poorer then you. This status of being rich separates you from other people and makes you feel as if you are better than people without tee shirts and the brand you wear. The differences between these two are the image they give off. The RnB would give connotations of thuggish nature whilst indi rock gives more of a sophisticated simple look. From this is it possible to clearly see that tee shirts are made for different people and can give off very different connotations depending who wear them and their style.
Findout more about Tee-shirts
By David Kensington
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/