We all want to have great designer shoes. However, with the price tags that are attached to some

First of all, you have to understand that eBay is a person's best friend! You can find anything here and usually find it for a good price. This does include ladies designer shoes as well. The great thing about shopping on eBay is that a lot of people view eBay as a very trusted place to show. Not only that, but you can find significantly reduced designer shoes. That is because you have to bid on these items. If no one bids, then you win! Although it's more of a wishing game, you can walk away with some pretty killer shoes if you know how to play the game right.
Now, when looking for great prices on ladies designer shoes locally, you have to visit well known discount department stores. For example, places like TJ Maxx and Marshall's are well known for being a clearance house for designer clothing and shoes. A lot of times, you can find shoes that may not be made anymore, and the companies gave it to these stores for a good price, thus, you get them for a good price. Although some of the prices here can still be a little pricey, it never hurts to look. From time to time, you will come across a great deal.
One place you have to check out is consignment shops. Places like the Salvation Army and Goodwill are known for having the best prices on shoes and clothing than any other places. The prices here can even beat out eBay (it's kind of like the local eBay in a way). The best thing to do is find a Goodwill that is located next to a very wealthy group of families. Here they will deposit the clothing that they do not wear anymore. Most of the time, you can get designer clothing and shoes for as little as a few dollars.
The last tip you need to look out for is the coupon. Never underestimate the power of the coupon. A lot of times, you can find coupons and mail outs to all of your favorite designer stores. A 30 percent off coupon can go a long way when you are buying very costly shoes. A lot of times, you may be shocked to find out just how much money you really can save. Not only that, but you should remember to look for coupons online as well. There are many coupons that you can find that get placed on the internet, and all you have to do is print them off.
Kelly Hunter owns and operates http://www.ladies-designer-shoes.com and writes about Ladies Designer Shoes
By Kelly Hunter
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/