The Political Tee Shirt to Make a Statement
What is it that is button-less, collarless, and pocket-less, with a round neck and short sleeves? What is perhaps the most comfortable and ubiquitous garment in the world? A Tee shirt that's

There is a whole lot of funny tshirts inspired by President George W Bush and not in a nice way I may add. So it is that you have a graphic tee of a diminutive Bush, with an elongated shadow behind him that of the evil character from Star Wars, Darth Vader, complete with brandished sword, with the caption Dubya Vader! Here's another: Who would Jesus Bomb? The answer is just a picture of a silly smiling Bush.
Then there are those tees that declare you to be a conservative or a liberal: here is a really funny tee; I'd rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job. Or what about this one that claims to list the Top Ten Good Things About Liberals and then has a list with numbers 10 to 2 left blank, and the number 1 being They Die Eventually. Even though the message is a little hostile you can't help but smile. And here is one that does not mince any words about what the wearer thinks about Liberals: I just neutered a cat. Now he's a liberal. Then of course there are all of those Tees which declare to all and sundry who you are going to vote for in the next election.
Graphic tees can be used sometimes be used to make a serious political statement, say one relating to the environment: A stark black tee with a monochrome picture of planet Earth on it, bears the slogan There is no Planet B, an effective way to remind people that we need to take care of mother Earth it's the only one we have! Another thought provoking one would be a plain tee with the drawing of a tree on in, only the branches of the tree look more like the human brain and the words Think Green printed on it compel you to think.
You can now design your own t shirt and get paid for it. Submit your designs to the ongoing design contest at and you could win cash prizes if your t shirt design is selected a winner.
By Sarika Kabra
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